Braila, Calea Calarasilor,
66, Bl. 14, Sc. 3, Et. 4, Ap. 46 -


Electrical Upgrades
Electricity is very important part of our life. We can’t imagine it without home appliances that in turns work with
Electrical Upgrades
Electricity is very important part of our life. We can’t imagine it without home appliances that in turns work with
Plumbing is such a sphere in our houses that requires some professional skills and manpower. We can offer you to
Plumbing is such a sphere in our houses that requires some professional skills and manpower. We can offer you to
Switcher repair
We have experience in painting any surface from new constructions to cabinets in commercial properties. If you are doing your
Switcher repair
We have experience in painting any surface from new constructions to cabinets in commercial properties. If you are doing your
Indoor/Outdoor Lighting
When your heating system breaks down it can be a catastrophe in cold season. Don’t wait until you have problems.
Indoor/Outdoor Lighting
When your heating system breaks down it can be a catastrophe in cold season. Don’t wait until you have problems.
Ceiling Fan Replacement
Gardening and landscaping is a very time-consuming process as trees and grass constantly grow and change their appearance. They require
Ceiling Fan Replacement
Gardening and landscaping is a very time-consuming process as trees and grass constantly grow and change their appearance. They require
We face different minor and major malfunctions everyday. Not everyone can fix it all on their own, some professional help
We face different minor and major malfunctions everyday. Not everyone can fix it all on their own, some professional help
Compania, Eghesman Energy , este activă în diverse domenii: securitatea clădirilor casnice și a locurilor de muncă, sisteme de alarmă pentru locuințe fără fir și cu fir, supraveghere video, detectie incendiu si prevenire și multe altele.
Astăzi Eghesman Energy este o companie lider în domeniul securității. Serviciile noastre de instalare și asistență tehnică/comercială sunt active pe întreg teritoriul național.

Why Choose Renovate
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labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Plumbing Services
When it comes to electrical repair, JohnnyGo has years of experience that ensures we'll provide expert solutions for electrical problems.
Plumbing Services
We have a skilled expert who deals with plumbing everyday and will gladly help you.
Plumbing Services
To eliminate malfunctions and ensure you with comfortable temperature our experts constantly improve their skills and get new knowledge.
Plumbing Services
When it comes to electrical repair, JohnnyGo has years of experience that ensures we'll provide expert solutions for electrical problems.
Plumbing Services
If you need to maintain your garden, to mow the grass, prune the trees and do other landscaping, our gardener knows about it a lot
Plumbing Services
Our house constantly requires some maintenance. If you are tired of all these little breakdowns that don’t let you feel yourself cosy
Experții noștri le vor rezolva în cel mai scurt timp.
Aveți probleme cu locuința?
Despre noi
Compania, Eghesman Energy , este activă în diverse domenii: securitatea clădirilor casnice și a locurilor de muncă, sisteme de alarmă pentru locuințe fără fir și cu fir, supraveghere video, detectie incendiu si prevenire și multe altele.
Solutiile de eficienta energetica pe care Eghesma Energy le implementeaza vin in intampinarea administratiilor publice cu urmatoarele beneficii:
- reducerea costurilor cu energie electrica
- reducerea costurilor de intretinere si mentinere a sistemului de iluminat public
- implementarea de solutii si tehnologii verzi
- sisteme de telegestiune si telemetrie a sistemului de iluminat public.

Calea Calarasilor, 66, Bl:14, Sc:3, Et:4, Ap:46, Braila